Charla Problema de Diseño de Meta-heurísticas

Este lunes 25 de Mayo presenté una charla acerca de nuestros trabajos en Diseño de Metaheurísticas basado en el uso de sintonizadores.
La primera parte describe la motivación para el estudio de este problema, la formulación del problema propiamente tal y una clasificación de las técnicas.
En la segunda parte se establece un acercamiento para utilizar herramientas de sintonización para evaluación de distintos diseños. Se especifican los acercamientos previos utilizando sintonizadores conocidos en la literatura y se muestran los resultados obtenidos para el re-diseño de un algoritmo basado en sistemas inmunes que resuelve el problema de calendarización de torneos relajado (RTTP).

Acá les dejo las diapositivas de mi presentación.


Charla sobre Ciencia y Videojuegos en la Universidad de Cádiz

El viernes pasado, Pablo García (aka Dr. Fergu) y yo mismo (aka Dr. Mora) dimos con éxito la charla «La Ciencia y los Videojuegos» en la Escuela Superior de Ingeniería de la Universidad de Cádiz.

Fuimos invitados por el Dr. Manuel Palomo Duarte y muy bien acogidos, tanto por él, como por el resto de sus compañeros. ;D

En la primera parte, conté la relación existente entre ciencia y videojuegos (con mi clásica presentación), con una parte centrada en la interacción autoática y la extracción de información en videojuegos para la creación o mejora de aspectos de los mismos (Inteligencia Artificial, Generación Procedural de Contenidos, etc).

La presentación es:

En la segunda parte, Pablo explicó varios de los desarrollos e investigación del grupo GeNeura en el ámbito de los videojuegos, aplicando Algoritmos Evolutivos a juegos como Unreal, Planet Wars, Super Mario o StarCraft.

Su presentación es:

Esperamos que os gustase (u os guste, si las veis ahora). ;)

Evostar 2015 mandatory post

We can never skip the chance to assist the Evostar conference, and aside learn the latest trends in Evolutionary Computation and present our results, we also have a good time with our other colleagues.

This time the conference was held in Copenhagen (Denmark), and because Antonio and me were part of the organization we didn’t have much time to go sightseeing, but we went to Tivoli Gardens and ride the flying chairs (and screamed like babies).

On the scientific part, we presented two papers to EvoGames track, related with our research lines on content generation for videogames and AI optimization. The first paper, How the World Was MADE: Parametrization of Evolved Agent-Based Models for Backstory Generation, presents a study on parametrization of the values that define a virtual world to facilitate the emergence of archetypes, and be able to generate interesting backstories (for videogames, for example). See the poster here:

The poster

Also, as we are commited to open science and open software, you can download the MADE environment from its web. The abstract:

Generating fiction environments for a multi-agent system optimized by genetic algorithms (with some specific requirements related to the desirable plots), presents two main problems: first it is impossible to know in advance the optimal value for the particular designed fitness function, and at the same time, it creates a vast search space for the parameters that it needs. The purpose of this paper is to define a methodology to find the best parameter values for both, the evolutionary algorithm, and the own fictional world configuration. This design includes running, to completion, a world simulation represented as a chromosome, and assigning a fitness to it, thus composing a very complex fitness landscape.
In order to optimize the resources allocated to evolution and to have some guarantees that the final result will be close to the optimum, we systematically analyze a set of possible values of the most relevant parameters, obtaining a set of generic rules. These rules, when applied to the plot requisites, and thus, to the fitness function, will lead to a reduced range of parameter values that will help the storyteller to create optimal worlds with a reduced computation budget.

Evostar 2015 - Copenhagen(That’s me with the IKEA rat plushies I used to describe our system)

Our other paper, It’s Time to Stop: A Comparison of Termination Conditions in the Evolution of Game Bots, describes a methodology to compare different termination conditions in noisy environments such as the RTS games. The abstract:

Evolutionary Algorithms (EAs) are frequently used as a mechanism for the optimization of autonomous agents in games (bots), but knowing when to stop the evolution, when the bots are good enough, is not as easy as it would a priori seem. The first issue is that optimal bots are either unknown (and thus unusable as termination condition) or unreachable. In most EAs trying to find optimal bots fitness is evaluated through game playing. Many times it is found to be noisy, making its use as a termination condition also complicated. A fixed amount of evaluations or, in the case of games, a certain level of victories does not guarantee an optimal result. Thus the main objective of this paper is to test several termination conditions in order to find the one that yields optimal solutions within a restricted amount of time, and that allows researchers to compare different EAs as fairly as possible. To achieve this we will examine several ways of finishing an EA who is finding an optimal bot design process for a particular game, Planet Wars in this case, with the characteristics described above, determining the capabilities of every one of them and, eventually, selecting one for future designs.

Evostar 2015 - Copenhagen(Here’s Antonio presenting the paper)

You can see the rest of the Evostar photos in their flickr account.

Ms. PacMan in IEEE Transactions on CI and AI in Games

Our fans and followers must be happy! ;D

They can now access the excellent work by Federico Liberatore in IEEE ToCIAIG journal.

This is the best journal concerning Artificial Intelligence in games, with a very strict reviewing process, so, we are very proud of this success. ;)

This is the next step in the research started one year and a half ago designing competitive  Ghost Teams for catching Ms. PacMan.

The abstract is:

In the last year, thanks to the Ms. Pac-Man vs Ghosts competition, the game of Ms. Pac-Man has gained increasing attention from academics in the field of Computational Intelligence. In this work, we contribute to this research stream by presenting a simple Genetic Algorithm with Lexicographic Ranking (GALR) for the optimization of Flocking Strategy-based ghost controllers. Flocking Strategies are a paradigm for intelligent agents characterized by showing emergent behavior and for having very little computational and memory requirements, making them well suited for commercial applications and mobile devices. In particular, we study empirically the effect of optimizing homogeneous and heterogeneous teams. The computational analysis shows that the Flocking Strategy-based controllers generated by the proposed GALR outperform the ghost controllers included in the competition framework and some of those presented in the literature.

The paper can be found here:

Enjoy it!

(And cite us) :D