A wonderful visit of Granada, a fruitful collaboration and the most welcoming GeNeura team !

Zeineb Chelly was our guest in Granada last February. Here’s her account of what happened.


Please, let me introduce myself. My name is Zeineb Chelly. I am a lecturer at the department of Computer Science, Institut supèrieur de Gestion de Tunis, Tunisia, and a member of the Laboratory of Operations Research, Decision and Control of Processes (LARODEC).

I have received my Ph.D. from the University of Tunis in 2014; dealing with new evolutionary algorithms under imprecision and uncertainty.  My research papers have been published in refereed international conferences and journals.

The story began when I met Pr. Juan Julián Merelo Guervós ! and for short, we call him JJ :) I met him in several conferences and had talks with him about how we can fuse our works together in order to solve specific research problems. When the time came, the Granada Excellence Network of Innovation Laboratories (GENIL) called for funded projects. GENIL is a high-competitive project of the University of Granada (UGR) funded by the…

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Sorteo de pendrives con motivo del día de la Ingeniería en la Escuela Politécnica Superior de Jaén

Con motivo del Día de la Ingeniería y aprovechando la exposición de pósters de investigación que se está realizando en el hall del edificio A3 de la Universidad de Jaén, el profesor Víctor Rivas (copiando la idea del profesor JJ. Merelo :D ) va a sortear unos cuantos pendrives (siento no poder decir cuántos, pero es que aún no está decidido el presupuesto).

Los participantes deberán hacerse un selfie en el que aparezcan junto al póster que Victor Rivas ha expuesto y, a continuación, enviarlo por Twitter (ojo: solo twitter). En el mensaje deberán aparecer citados los hashtag y usuarios siguientes: #jsEO @epsjaen @vrsantos @geneura

La fecha límite de recepción de mensajes será el lunes, 23 de marzo, a las 15 horas.
Podrán participar todos los miembros de la comunidad universitaria de la UJA (profesorado, pas y pdi) tanto actuales como pasados. Cada persona podrá participar tantas veces como desee, pero siempre con fotos distintas.

El sorteo se realizará previsiblemente el próximo lunes, 23 de marzo, a las 20:00 horas, actuando de improvisados notarios mis alumnos de la clase que imparto en el grado en turismo.

Los nombres (mejor dicho, los usuarios de Twitter) de los afortunados ganadores se darán a conocer el día posterior a la realización del sorteo, de modo que puedan pasar a recoger su pendrive por mi despacho, en horario de tutorías, a partir del jueves, 26 de marzo (inclusive).

Feliz día de la Ingeniería.

Hackathon in Distributed Corporate Security

GeNeura Team, and OSL, are organising a Hackathon in Distributed Corporate Security, for the MUSES Project. You will have the opportunity of developing in an European Project, funded by the FP7.**

It will be held on 25-26 of March at the Centro de Enseñanzas Virtuales de la Universidad de Granada (CEVUG). The location is: c/Real de Cartuja, nº 36-38, Granada (top floor).

Confirmed projects, to be chosen by the participants are:

  • Server performance upgrade of the corporate security system MUSES (Sweden Connectivity AB)
  • Muses server web based user interface (Sweden Connectivity AB) + S2 Grupo + GeNeura)
  • Command signature and verification component S2 Grupo
  • Android public key data encryption component S2 Grupo
  • Data Mining applied to security-based data: Analysis and Visualization tools (GeNeura)

A more complete description of each project can be found here.

The participation is free, of course. And if you already have a Github user, but you will not able to come, you can also participate remotely. The registration form is here.

Spread the word!!

The schedule will be:

17.00 – Hello to everybody!
17.15 – Where are you? What’s this?
17.30 – Introduction to GIT (by Pablo Hinojosa @psicobyte_ )

18.00 – Projects presentation (10-15 minutes each)
19.00 – Project selection and organization of groups
20.00 – Tapas crawl


09.30 – Hackathon starts!
14.00 – Tapas crawl
15.30 – Hackathon continues!
17.30 – Coffee break (if needed)
17.45 – Here we go again
19.30 – Hackathon finishes…
19.31 – Project results presentations
20.00 – Tapas crawl – final round

**If you are Spanish, do not worry! Of course you will have the opportunity of improving your English, but Spanish-speakers from GeNeura Team and S2 will be there to assist you.

How I stayed in Granada for 15 days and failed to visit the Alhambra

Let me introduce myself: I am Alberto Tonda, a computer scientist originally from Italy, now working in a French national research center. In the picture below, there’s me looking extremely professional, with a lightsaber. I was at a wedding. Wedding with lightsabers are the best!In 2014, the University of Granada (UGR) hosted the international conference EvoSTAR: me and my co-authors won the Best Paper award, and as a prize we received funding to work with a research team at UGR.

I then contacted the GeNeura team to start a cooperation, and a few months later I was in Granada. I was extremely impressed with how welcoming the GeNeura guys were! They took care of all the administrative business (and, as researchers, we know how much this can be annoying :-D), they showed me around the city, they fed me delicious tapas, and they were an all-around pleasant people.

Here is me again, presenting my work to the team (by the way, here is a link to the presentation). It took us a while to find a common topic to work on, with lots of stimulating brainstorming, and evenalberto-geneuratually we started an exciting work on machine learning. I worked more in direct contact with Pablo Garcia and Antonio «Antares» Ares, but all people from GeNeura pitched in their ideas and were extremely helpful: J. J. Merelo, Antonio Mora, Pedro Castillo, and all the others I am forgetting (sorry, I am terrible with names!).

So, my only regret is that I didn’t visit the renown Alhambra, the beautiful fortress-palace Granada is famous for.Looks awesome. I had even bought a ticket (!) and was preparing for a late afternoon visit after work, when something every computer scientist dreads happened: the program I wrote with Pablo was almost working. So, since that was our last working day before I left, and our task was so engaging, I decided to stay and make it work. And by evening, we made it work, so at least giving up the visit was worth something!

In conclusion, I’d definitely recommend cooperating with GeNeura. And since our work together is far from finished, I have a good excuse to come back and finally visit the Alhambra :-)