Tunneling Between Optima: a new operator for the Traveling Salesman Problem

El lunes que viene día 30 de noviembre, el profesor Darrell Whitley dará una charla con el título superior y el siguiente contenido

The first part of this talk will present a tutorial on local search
and evolutionary algorithms for the Traveling Salesman
Problem (TSP). The second part of the talk will introduce a
new recombination operator for the TSP. The operator
can recombine parents in such a way that offspring inherit
all shared edges. Offspring also only inherit edges from parents.
When applied to solutions that are already local optima,
the operator automatically generates samples of new
local optima without applying any additional local search.

La charla tendrá lugar a las 12 de la mañana en el salón de Grados de la ETSIIT.

CHAC, the Military Ants in the press around the world

Last Friday, 6th of November some news related to the mini-simulator which we have developed for the implementation and test of the algorithms based in the ants’ behaviour to search for the best path (attending to the speed and safety) in a military battlefield, were published. :)

This new appeared firstly (in May some days after my PhD Tesis lecture) at the Press  site of the University of Granada.

But last Friday, the new was published by some other webs, as AlphaGalileo, EurekAlert and RedOrbit. Then it appeared in many other scientific news webs (AECC, SoftPedia, ScienceDaily, Physorg, LabSpaces, TMCnet, First Science or Science Centric).

In addition it has appeared in some general news online sites (mainly in Asia): Sindh Today, New Kerala, TopNews.in, South Asia News, CBNews and Breaking News among others.

Finally, the new has been also introduced in some blogs, forums and social nets (Blog.Taragana, BizFace, Defense Forum India, Twitter).

Thanks a lot for the interest in our work and let us know if you need some documentation or other stuff concerning to it. ;)

The application can be downloaded from our group’s project site in forja.rediris (is the project hCHAC), and it has been developed under a GPL license, so it is free to download, use and even modify, but following this license restrictions. :)

Best regards.