Is entropy good for solving the game of MasterMind?

Well, it does. In another paper published in the Evostar conference, we compare several methods for measuring how good a combination is when compared to the others that could possibly be the solution; so far we had mostly used most parts (counting the number of non-zero partitions), but, in this paper, that compares our previous Evo method with another created by the coauthors, Maestro-Montojo and Salcedo-Sanz, we find that Entropy, at least for these sizes, is the way to go. Here’s the poster

You can access the paper Comparing Evolutionary Algorithms to Solve the Game of MasterMind, by Javier Maestro-Montojo, Juan Julián Merelo and Sancho Salcedo-Sanz (first and last authors from the University of Alcalá de Henares) online or request a copy from the authors.

Special issue of Evolutionary Intelligence focused on games

Do you apply bioinspired techniques to games? Specially evolutionary algorithms? Submit a paper with your work to the Special Issue of Evolutionary Intelligence focused on games.

Anything related to games is valid, provided evolutionary techniques (or, in general, bioinspired techniques):

  • Level design
  • NPC design
  • Learning in games
  • Behaviour mining
  • Puzzle solving

Please check the dates: the deadline for submission is May 10th, 2013, the notification of acceptance/revision/rejection will be given by June 10th, 2013 and the final manuscript submission date is July 1st, 2013. The articles must be submitted via the

More results of the hispano-mexican collaboration

As a result of a collaboration with Mario García Valdez, Leonardo Trujillo and Francisco Fernández (this one from Spain) we have published two papers based on the EvoSpace framework a pool-based evolutionary architecture for interactive and straight evolutionary computation. The first paper describes the EvoSpace-i, the interactive part and is well described by Paco Fernández in our group blog, and the