Military Ants at NICSO 2010

Hi to all!
(the milliards of readers :D).

The last Wednesday (13 of May), we presented (again) our Multiobjective Ant Colony Optimization algorithm (yes, the famous CHAC :D) at NICSO 2010, which was held in Granada, in the same building where we work everyday…
… what a so far trip… :-| :D

The paper presents a study of the objective balancing parameter (named LAMBDA), used in this algorithm. ;)

Here you are the presentation:

Enjoy it! ;)

EDAs for solving Mastermind at NICSO

The NICSO 2010 talk is taking place as I type this, quite undercrowded due to flight problems, but it’s one of the places where we are presenting new work on Mastermind. In this case, we have presented the paper Adapting Heuristic Mastermind Strategies to Evolutionary Algorithms, by Tom Runarsson and myself. This paper is actually previous to the work we presented in EvoStar. In this paper is where we describe the results we found about the size of the subset of consistent combinations you have to use. OK, I lost you here, but you can watch the presentation

or download it from here. Fee license, as usual, and check the notes for the attribution of pictures.