Kohonants: a gentle introduction

Next week, Carlos Fernandes will present in the ANTS 2008 conference our paper KANTS: Artificial Ant System for Classification (hope the typo is not in the proceedings, but I’m afraid it will be). The algorithm was already presented by Antonio in ALIFE XI, with the paper KohonAnts: a self-organizing ant algorithm for clustering and pattern classification (which is also available from arxiv). Antonio was questioned about what was good about this algorithm, and I guess this is as good a place as any other to tell about it.
The basic idea of Kohonants is to use stigmergy for clustering and classification. Usual ant clustering algorithm place data as objects in the grid ants move around, and then, via some natural inspiration and a great deal of heuristics, they manage to cluster them according to proximity.
Kohonants, on the other hand, makes each data item an ant (or several, if needed). Pheromones are also vectorial in nature, in the same dimension as data, and what ants do when they move about is first take into account what’s the pheromone levels they have around in their neighborhood, and second modify it making them closer to the vector they represent.
That is why they are called Kohonen’s Ants: Kohonen’s algorithm behaves in the same way. Takes a training data vector, compares it to all the vectors in a two-dimensional array, and whoever wins is made closer to the data vector. Ants in Kohonants take the place of data vector in Kohonen’s algorithm, and the two-dimensional vector array that is trained is substituted by the two-dimensional (vectorial) pheromone field in Kohonants.
Results so far have been quite good, but we’ll continue with it to see what are their limits, and how well it fares against other ant and non-ant clustering algorithms. Meanwhile, as we mentioned in our previous post, you can download full code from the GeNeura code repository

Introducing KohonAnts, a new stigmergic clustering and classification algorithm

We have submitted, and at the same time uploaded to ArXiV, a paper on this new algorithm the masterminds of GeNeura + Carlos Fernandes and Vitorino Ramos (who are practically now full-privileges GeNeura members). You can download it from ArXiV; the title is KohonAnts: A Self-Organizing Ant Algorithm for Clustering and Pattern Classification:

In this paper we introduce a new ant-based method that takes advantage of the cooperative self-organization of Ant Colony Systems to create a naturally inspired clustering and pattern recognition method. The approach considers each data item as an ant, which moves inside a grid changing the cells it goes through, in a fashion similar to Kohonen’s Self-Organizing Maps. The resulting algorithm is conceptually more simple, takes less free parameters than other ant-based clustering algorithms, and, after some parameter tuning, yields very good results on some benchmark problems.

We’ll be very soon doing the rounds with this algorithm with the usual conferences. It is new, it works surprisingly well, and, as usual, source code is available from your friendly Forja subversion repository (not updated, though).